🤖 Distributing Games from Xcode to App Store Connect

Implementation after adding the Game Center plugin

In this article, I’ll explain how to upload an iOS game exported from Godot to App Store Connect using Xcode. It’ll probably be short, so feel free to take it easy. Also, I’m assuming you’re familiar with Xcode, which is a macOS-exclusive app, so I’ll proceed with that in mind. Macs can be pricey, but if you want to release apps like iOS or macOS on the App Store, it’s an essential tool. I got mine with a 2-year Orico loan. It was tough, though 😆 Environment at the time of writing this article Xcode Version: 15.3 (15E204a) Computer Model: MacBook Air M1, 2020...

2024-05-13 · 5 min · Gobo